661-4631 Logic Board for Xserve Early 2008 A1246 MA822LL/A,BTO/CTO (820-2169-A)

661-4631 Logic Board for Xserve Early 2008 A1246 MA822LL/A,BTO/CTO (820-2169-A)
SN: 661-4631
Category: Apple Logic Board, Xserver Parts > Xserver Early 2008 A1246 MA822LL/A, BTO/CTO, Xserver Parts

Apple Computer Xserve Quad Core 2.8 Quad Core (Core Xeon E5462)Xserve Quad Core 2.8/3.0 Dual-Quad Core (Core Xeon E5462, Core Xeon E5472)Apple Order Number MA822LL/A, BTO/CTO
Model Number A1246
Model Year Early 2008
Part Name Logic Board
Manufacture Part Number 820-2169-A
Compatible Apple Order Number MA882LL/A
Compatible Model Number A1246
EMC Number N/A
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